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Established more than 15 years
Ref: LR02
Brand: Lift
Size: 5L
A ready to use liquid cleaner with a powerful bactericide which can be used for one stage cleaning and sanitizing. Capable of removing a wide variety of ingrained and greasy soiling. Contains no perfumes so is non-tainting and therefore food safe, making it ideal for cleaning of food preparation areas and areas involved in the processing of meats, cream and other foods that may carry high risk of bacterial contamination. May be used to clean and disinfect all hard surfaces including refrigerators, freezers, cold displays, salad bars, microwaves, stainless steel surfaces, canopies and chopping boards. Conforms to BS EN 1276, killing 99.999% of bacteria in 30 seconds (clean conditions) or 5 minutes (dirty conditions). Conforms to BS EN 13697, killing 99.99% of bacteria in 5 minutes (dirty conditions).